City Councillors unanimously voted to give the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry’s regimental association (which is separate but affiliated with the military reserve unit) more time to complete their business plan for the West Mountain Auchmar Estate.
DISCLOSURE: I’m involved with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Veterans Association, having been a past member of the unit as a member of the Army’s Logistics Branch.
City staff needed Council direction to continue working with the RHLI. In June 2016, Council voted to give staff one year to complete negotiations with the RHLI association.
Council was very supportive of the RHLI’s progress during the meeting today. Council authorized staff to assist the RHLI in finding partners for the future use of the Auchmar Estate.
Staff told Council in a report various parties have approached the City including a “retirement residence, Montessori School, “signature” professional business office, bar / restaurant, and a small venue banquet / conference facility” with interest in leasing the property.
Council approved a nine-month period for the RHLI to finalize and present their business plan.
Unstated during the debate is the interest of CARDUS in the facility, which Councillor Lloyd Ferguson has been pushing as the preferred option for the future of the Auchmar site. Ferguson was not present at the debate.
Council Gives RHLI Time to Deploy Auchmar Plan