Developers 2021 Render of a proposed 16-storey building at 651 Queenston Road in Hamilton. The OLT approved 17 stories, with stronger step downs in the design. Credit: HANDOUT / LJM Developments

The City of Hamilton and LJM Developments have reached a deal to allow the development of a condo building on the northwest corner of Queenston Road and Nash Road in East Hamilton.

Both parties are keeping the details confidential, citing pending approval of the settlement at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

In December 2022, LJM filed a non-decision appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal after it became apparent that City staff would not recommend approval for a sixteen-storey 316-unit condo building at 651 Queenston Road.

City staff stated that the proposal was too tall for the site, at double the permitted eight storeys in the Centennial Neighbourhood Secondary Plan. They also expressed concern about the lack of angular planes.

Ward 5 Councillor Matt Francis, in whose ward the development is located, stated he supported the height and density.

Francis stated he supports 16-storeys at this site because it is at a planned light rail transit stop.

As I wrote in December 2022, “with the ward councillor in favour of the height and density, what remains is negotiating water and sewage services.”

City Cybersecurity Failure Delaying Approval

The City of Hamilton has been hit with a ransomware attack. The City’s legal and planning staff cannot access their digital files.

The City has requested all Ontario Land Tribunal hearings be delayed indefinitely until the City can determine how to restore its systems and workflows.

A March 5, 2024, settlement hearing in this matter was cancelled.

The OLT rescheduled the settlement hearing to April 23, 2024.

Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: March 6, 2024
Last edited: March 6, 2024
Author: Joey Coleman
Edit Record
v. 1.0.0 original version

3 replies on “LJM and City of Hamilton Reach Deal to Allow Condo Building at 651 Queenston”

  1. This building is a disgrace. It is now a 17 story monstrosity which has been surreptiously foisted on local residents with no opportunity for public input.

  2. I wish this was 20 stories, nothing but commercial and higher densities around here. Right on future LRT, not to mention housing shortage.

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