St. Catharines Mayor Mat Siscoe is using his Strong Mayor powers to move a mayoral bylaw to override a Committee of Adjustment (CoA) denial of a four-tower residential development.

Mayoral bylaws only require one-third Council support to pass.

In February, the CoA denied three of five minor variances needed to permit the four-tower 1,902-unit development. The denied variances were related to parking stall sizes and are truly minor in nature.

Strong Mayor powers permit a veto of bylaws. CoA decisions are not bylaws, so mayors cannot directly veto them.

Siscoe’s mayoral bylaw is novel. I am not aware of any past use of Strong Mayor powers to overturn a CoA decision. [CoAs are independent quasi-judicial bodies. Their decisions are not subject to municipal council review and can only be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal]

St. Catharines Council will vote on the bylaw on March 31.

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