On December 19, the Hamilton Police Service Board passed a 10.89 percent operating budget increase for 2025.
Police will take from reserve funds to lower the 2025 tax levy increase impact to 5.7 percent, with the full tax cost of new spending pushing the 2026 tax increase starting point to 7.5 percent.
What made this year’s budget more controversial than usual was an attempt by the Police Board to cut off public comments before they released their budget.
Two Members of Council Opposed Secrecy
Ward 2 Clr Cameron Kroetsch was the first member of Council to call on Hamilton’s Police Service Board to release its 2025 budget before the Board’s December 9 cut-off for public comments.
On December 3, Ward 4 Clr Tammy Hwang wrote the Police Board, “seems a bit hard to make any opinions without seeing the draft budget so this process seems bit backwards to me.”

Public Letters on the Police Board
The Police Board posted the letters it received before the original December 9 deadline.
The letters represent a range of opinions regarding the role of policing in society, taxes, public order, and priorities.
Most letters support the 5.7 percent increase, with many saying they would support a larger increase.
Many non-supportive letters state the police horse-mounted unit should be disbanded.
Here is a selection of comments:
The Hamilton Law Association wrote that the closure of the Tax Court of Canada in July shows that “Hamilton needs a wellness check.”
HLA President Andrew Keesmaat says safety needs to be addressed.
“As a consequence of a feeling of lack of security and safety on an individual level, businesses and firms … are increasingly more reluctant to situate and remain downtown or in Hamilton at all. Some are seeking to leave, just like the Tax Court.”
“I’d urge you and the Police Services Board to take this into consideration and prioritize safety and security when reviewing the proposed budget.
LiUNA’s Joseph Mancinelli writes, “we [LiUNA] firmly support the Hamilton Police Services request for an increase of 5.7% in their operating budget.”
The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford’s President and CEO Manny Figueiredo says the Y supports the budget increase, writing, “We firmly believe that a well-funded, proactive police service is essential for creating a safer, inclusive Hamilton.”
The International Village BIA wrote in support.
St. Joseph’s Hospital submitted a letter stating the institution supports the budget increase.
“I am retired and my taxes are already too high,” writes a person in opposition. They list how Hamilton Police do not enforce basic traffic laws, and conclude, “If the police want a 5.7% increase then I want more service to address these issues.”
A retired social services worker writes, “I am hoping Hamilton does the right thing and takes that 5.7% increase and puts it towards the people who need it most and not to more armored vehicles or whatever else they use it on as they won’t let us know what their budget goes to.”
Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: January 2, 2025
Last updated: January 2, 2025
Author: Joey Coleman
Update Record
v. 1.0.0 original version