In August, the City of Waterloo’s Council unanimously voted to surplus 25 acres of municipal land it had been sitting on with the hope of attracting a large business employer.

They also began the process of requesting a Minister’s Zoning Order to fast-track development.

In December, the City announced that Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region/BUILD NOW: Waterloo Region as the “preferred proponent to develop the property” and construct “1,010 affordable and attainable housing units and to make these units available to eligible homeowners (ownership units) and non-profit or co-operative housing organizations (rental units).”

Today, (January 24), the Province issued the MZO for the development to move forward.

“O. Reg. 12/25 facilitates a mixed-use development with 1,010 residential units including 312 affordable rental units, 312 affordable ownership units, and 386 attainable ownership units, and commercial uses. Institutional and recreation uses would also be permitted.”

Meanwhile in Hamilton …

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