Note: in comments after this story was published, Mayor Andrea Horwath indicates a settlement deal is close to being reached.
Yesterday, at 4:00 p.m., the City of Hamilton indicated a settlement deal for the Jamesville redevelopment is close.
A few hours later, an urgent no-notice meeting of Hamilton City Council was called for today.
The emergency meeting will occur less than 24 hours after yesterday’s City Council meeting, during which there was an hour-long closed-session discussion on Jamesville.
Wednesday’s Council Decision, Mayor’s Non-Statement, City Statement, and Urgent No-Notice Meeting Agenda Posting
Following yesterday’s closed-session, Mayor Andrea Horwath said she could not discuss the status of the Jamesville matter.
Mayor Andrea Horwath was asked, “Is there any possibility of a settlement in the next month before the hearing?”
“Council went into camera to discuss that again today,” Horwath responded. “I’m not at liberty to say anything that was identified in terms of the council discussion or advice that we’ve received.”
A few hours later, at 4:00 p.m., the City Manager’s Office issued an unattributed statement saying the City will seek adjournment of the scheduled contest Ontario Land Tribunal hearing and seek to continue settlement talks.
Shortly after 9:00 p.m., the emergency council meeting agenda was published.
The City of Hamilton is not releasing the meeting notice sent to Council, and is not explaining why the emergency meeting has been called.
Hamilton’s Procedural Bylaw requires a minimum of 48 hours notice before City Council meetings, except in the event of an emergency.
In 2022, last term’s City Council approved new zoning for the 2.3-hectare former social housing site at 405 James Street North. When approving the proposal, the Council decided not to implement noise and dust mitigation measures requested by CN rail.
The site is metres from a CN rail line and approximately 230 metres east of a CN rail shunting yard.
CN appealed Council’s decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal, because the approval represents a new sensitive land use within 500 metres of its operations.
For the past two-and-a-half years, the redevelopment has been stalled as the City, the City’s approved private developer, and CN rail worked through issues and the OLT process.
In April 2024, City Council made substantial changes to the development plan, shifting some of the market housing away from the CN rail line and adding more social and affordable housing units.
At the same time, Council sought an adjournment of the original May 2024 contested hearing dates.
During the past ten months, CN rail, the City, and the City’s approved private developer (Jamesville Redevelopment Limited Partnership) have met for confidential settlement talks.
The sides were close to a deal in October. However, in December, the sides informed the OLT they were no longer close to a deal.
Two weeks ago, the sides asked the OLT for an extension on pre-hearing document submission deadlines.
Yesterday (Wednesday), City Council went into closed session for an hour to discuss a new strategy in advance of the scheduled February 25 contest OLT hearing.
Emergency Council Meeting to Follow Council GIC Budget Meeting
According to the agenda posted to the City’s meeting agenda portal, the emergency council will begin “immediately following” Council’s general issues committee budget meeting.
Production Details
v. 1.0.1
Published: January 23, 2025
Last updated: January 23, 2025
Author: Joey Coleman
Update Record
v. 1.0.0 original version
v. 1.0.1 added link to story with Mayor Horwath's comments