Here is the list of public governance meetings for the upcoming week.

All meetings are at Hamilton City Hall unless otherwise noted.


Governance Review Sub-Committee  (11:00 am)

[Formerly known as the Accountability and Transparency Committee]

A staff recommendation to end open public correspondence on the Council ratification agendas, and to further limit public delegations to council committees are the two main items on the agenda.

The staff recommendations are proposed without public consultation, and staff do not recommend seeking public feedback.

In 2023, shortly after the election, the new Council implemented staff recommendations to restrict delegations and correspondence that staff deems to be critical of the actions of individual staff or council members.

Public correspondence on council agendas has existed since the earliest days of local democracy. However, in recent decades, many municipalities have done away with the practice, eliminating many other venues of engagement.

Instead of appearing on the Council agenda, open public correspondence will be circulated to council in a bi-weekly “Correspondence Listing” that will not be included in any agendas. Items deemed relevant to matters already on the council business agenda will be permitted to be added to council agendas.

Agenda // YouTube Livestream


Committee of Adjustment (1:00 pm)

There are 20 hearings this week.

Agenda // YouTube Livestream

West Harbour Development Sub-Committee (1:30 pm)


Updates on the West Harbour Piers 5 to 8 parking strategy and updates on delays to development will be provided.

Agenda // YouTube Livestream

Police Service Board – Budget (2:00 pm, closed to the public)

The Police Board states it will discuss its 2025 budget increase request. The Board is not providing any further information. The meeting is being held in an undisclosed location.


Hamilton Veterans Committee (4:00 pm, livestream only)

In what may be the final meeting of this citizen’s committee, veterans will discuss the impact of encampments on the Argyll Pavilion in Bayfront Park and ongoing issues of vandalism at the Cenotaph and Veterans’ Place in Gore Park.

Agenda // YouTube Livestream

Change Advisory Committee (6:00 pm)

Green Building Standards and Urban Boundary Expansion response are among the agenda items.

This could be the last meeting of this advisory committee, depending on the Wednesday Council vote on eliminating citizen committees.

Agenda // YouTube Livestream


City Council Ratification (9:30 a.m.)

Councillors will vote on ratifying their decisions of the past two weeks.

New items on the Council agenda include two Ombudsman reports.

In one, Council did discuss matters that belonged in open session. However, the decision was closely related to a properly closed item, and the ‘parsing exemption’ meant there was no violation. \

The other is the first Ombudsman decision regarding open meeting requirements when Strong Mayor powers are being exercised. The Mayor formed an advisory group to provide advise on the hiring of a new City Manager. The Municipal Act meeting notice requirements do not apply to this exercise of Strong Mayor powers.

A letter from Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs Paul Calandra, responding to the City of Hamilton, regarding what is a land-use development “undertaking” of a publicly-assisted post-secondary university is included in the correspondence package. The Minister does not provide definitive answers, just a list of things to consist about what could be an “undertaking.”

Agenda // YouTube Livestream

Council: Hamilton Utilities Corporation Shareholder (following Council Ratification)

Council will approve the following resolution: “it is desirable to declare a dividend of Twelve Million Nine Hundred Sixty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred and Ten Dollars (CDN $12,969,310) on all of the outstanding Common Shares of the Corporation.”

Agenda // YouTube Livestream

Council: Hamilton Enterprises Holding Corporation Shareholder (following Council Ratification)

Council will approve that “the City of Hamilton wishes to subscribe for 12,969,310 Common Shares of the Corporation (the “Shares”) at a price of One Dollar (CDN $1) per share.”

Council is transferring funds between the two municipal corporations.

Agenda // YouTube Livestream


Council General Issues Committee: Water and Rate Budget (9:30 am)

A repeat of last Friday’s meeting. Council may vote on the 2025 water budget.

Agenda // YouTube Livestream


Hamilton Police Service Board Meeting (1:00 pm)

The Police Service Board will discuss body cameras, records retention updates, and approve purchasing tickets for the Nigerian-Canadian Association of Hamilton’s End of the Year Multicultural Gala, the Catholic Youth Organization’s (CYO) 40th Annual Children’s Fundraiser Gala Dinner, the South Asians in Law Enforcement Police Gala, and the Afro Canadian Caribbean Association’s (ACCA) 45th Anniversary Celebration Gala.



Hamilton Renewable Power Incorporated Board of Directors (11:00 am)

Councillors will discuss if they can return the City’s methane (“biogas”) power generating company back to profitability.

Agenda // YouTube Livestream