Lawyers for the City of Hamilton and Zest Developments appeared before the Tribunal for a case management conference earlier today (November 29, 2024).

Zest Developments is seeking approval to expand St. Elizabeth Village by adding a new subdivision to the South Mountain property.

If approved, the development will add 2,024 square metres of commercial space and 430 residential units, consisting of 374 apartments, 42 one-and-a-half-storey townhouses and 14 three-storey townhouses.

The application was submitted to the City on July 20, 2020.

On June 14, 2024, the developer filed a non-decision appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Mediation talks between the two sides are ongoing; nonetheless, the developer sought (and the City consented) to have dates for a contested hearing set.

“We had a mediation session with the tribunal earlier this week, in fact, on Wednesday, November 27th. A further mediation date is scheduled for February 5th,” stated Zest’s lawyer Isaiah Banach.

“It’s our view that it would be appropriate to set down a hearing date at this time, although the discussions continue, issues do remain.”

“This is a matter that’s been going on for our client for four and a half years,” Banach continued. “

“This is a matter that’s been going on for our client for four and a half years.”

The OLT granted a five-day contest hearing beginning on April 28, 2025.

A procedural order will follow in the coming weeks.

The OLT case number for this matter is OLT-24-000663.

Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: November 29, 2024
Last updated: November 29, 2024
Author: Joey Coleman
Update Record
v. 1.0.0 original version