Hamilton City Council will meet in closed session on Wednesday (October 16, 2024) to discuss ongoing settlement for the Jamesville redevelopment.

The closed meeting notice was issued today. (Tuesday, October 15.)

Confidential mediation talks are ongoing between the City of Hamilton, Jamesville Development LP, and the Canadian National Railway.

CN appealed against last term’s City Council approval for a mixed market and social housing redevelopment of the site at 405 James Street North, a property close to the main CN line through Hamilton.

CN is concerned about the development’s proximity to CN operations that generate dust and noise impacts.

On Friday (October 18), expert witnesses for all sides will meet to narrow the outstanding issues in the hearing. They will determine the agreed statement of facts and opinion to provide to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

The experts’ meeting and the agreed statement is an essential step in preparation for the contested OLT hearing scheduled to begin on February 18, 2025.

The sides are continuing to talk in the hope of reaching a settlement.

Any settlement requires City Council approval. In the event of a settlement, Council would meet in closed session to discuss and approve.

All sides would have to agree to issue a public statement in advance of OLT settlement approval, City Council is otherwise bound to confidentially until the settlement is filed at the Tribunal.

Related: Past Stories on 405 James Street North.

Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: October 15, 2024
Last updated: October 15, 2024
Author: Joey Coleman
Update Record
v. 1.0.0 original version

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