Hamilton City Council quickly approved two decisions in closed session today regarding the Jamesville redevelopment at 405 James Street North.

Council was in closed session for less than 35 minutes today, during which they also dealt with a legal report regarding access to the piers at the canal into Hamilton Harbour.

They emerged from closed session and made the following declaration regarding Jamesville:

“That closed session recommendations A and B respecting Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal for 405 James Street North be approved and remain confidential until such times as the necessary conditions for public release described therein are met.”

The approval was moved by Ward 2 Councillor Cameron Kroetsch and seconded by Mayor Andrea Horwath.


CN appealed against last term’s City Council approval for a mixed market and social housing redevelopment of the site at 405 James Street North, a property close to the main CN line through Hamilton.

CN is concerned about the development’s proximity to CN operations that generate dust and noise impacts.

The City, CN, and the City’s approved developer Jamesville Development LP, have been meeting for the past two years in the hope of reaching a settlement.

Experts for all parties are scheduled to meet this Friday to create an agreed statement of facts and opinions to provide to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

The OLT is assisting the parties with mediation.

A contested OLT hearing is scheduled for February 18, 2025.

Hamilton Mayor Andrea Horwath brought Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Paul Calandra to the Jamesville site during this past summer. Mayor Horwath states she sought the Minister’s assistance in the matter.

TPR Monitoring OLT Website and Ontario Regulations for Updates

TPR will continue monitoring the Ontario Land Tribunal’s case management portal and the Government of Ontario e-Laws page for updates.

If there is a settlement, the OLT website will be updated to announce a settlement hearing date.

If a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) is issued, it will be posted as a new Ontario Regulation.

Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: October 16, 2024
Last updated: October 16, 2024
Author: Joey Coleman
Update Record
v. 1.0.0 original version

Related: Past Stories on 405 James Street North.

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