The Ontario Land Tribunal hearing for the proposed 975 residential unit redevelopment of the East Hamilton Delta Secondary School site has been postponed.

Lawyers for New Horizon Development Group (NHDG) and the City of Hamilton were scheduled to begin a 10-day hearing on Monday [September 16], but instead will speak to the Tribunal next Friday [September 27] for a Case Management Conference (CMC) hearing.

No reasons for the cancellation have been released.

OLT Not Favourable to Non-Decision Appeals in Recent Decisions

NHDG filed their non-decision appeal in August 2023, after receiving critical feedback from the City and Hamilton’s Design Review Panel regarding the level of intensification within the site design.

The Design Review Panel’s comments were primarily supportive.

When NHDG filed their appeal, the Ontario Land Tribunal was seen as being favourable to the kind of intense project being proposed.

However, this perception changed this past spring when the OLT issued two decisions upholding the Urban Hamilton Official Plan’s intensification policies, denying two developments for being too intense for their sites.  [526 Winona Road, and 2900 King Street East.]

Councillor Discussed in Closed Session on July 9

City Council’s Planning Committee discussed the appeal during a closed session on July 9.

TPR to Observe CMC on Sept 27

The CMC hearing is schedule to begin at 10:00 a.m., TPR will be logging into the videoconference.

Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: September 20, 2024
Last updated: September 20, 2024
Author: Joey Coleman
Update Record
v. 1.0.0 original version

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