Club 33 plans to open tonight [Friday, September 6, 2024], a representative of the establishment told TPR this morning.
Superior Court Justice Andrew Goodman issued an injunction on Wednesday that ordered the premises closed to public business operations.
“We’re still in business. We’re actually opening today, 100 percent,” said the representative.
The person did not provide their name. They, and another person, were working inside to get the club ready when TPR attended the establishment this morning.
“The AGCO, we’ve all got rules … they can’t just show up at 12:00 in the middle of the night, and they put a sticker on the door saying, you’re done. It doesn’t work like that.”
The representative says the Club had nothing to do with the shooting.
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario revoked the club’s liquor license on August 30, following an August 25 shooting in a parking lot beside the club.
“We don’t understand why we’re getting blamed for it,” the representative said.
He said the Club will not be serving alcohol this weekend.
Injunction Prohibits the Club from Opening
The City of Hamilton was granted the rare urgent injunction following a series of shootings near the Club, and alleged repeated violations of Ontario’s liquor laws, local bylaws, and other regulations.
Hamilton Police state, on August 31 at 3:51 a.m., that Club 33 was “continuing to serve alcohol and allowing patrons to smoke on the premises.”
Ontario’s regulations state liquor cannot be served after 2:00 a.m., and ‘all signs of liquor must be cleared’ by 2:45 a.m.
The representative said “We went to court yesterday … what you’re seeing there with the judge … that doesn’t mean that’s what’s happening. And that’s what it is. That’s what the city wants.”
“They want to shut this down because they’re saying that we don’t have an active business license.”
“Google Club 33, and you’ll see our business license is still active.”

Club Will Contest Accusations and Closure
The representative says the Club can prove it is complying with laws and regulations.
They will present evidence in Court.
“Our proof and our evidence is 32 cameras. All our employees have all their statements. We’re all going to show up to court. It’s not like just me. So we’re going to battle it.”
The representative says the business works to contribute to the community, including sick kids, mental health, the homeless, and supporting kids going back to school.
“Nobody wants to talk about what I do for sick kids. Nobody wants to talk about what I do for the mental health. Nobody wants to do what I do for the homeless here on Sundays. Nobody wants to do any of that. They don’t want to talk about what I did for kids going back to school. All the good work. Nobody wants to do anything, and that’s fine. I’m okay with that. I’m not in this business to get clout or for people to like me.”
Club Opening Around 9:00 p.m. Not Serving Liquor
The Club plans to open around 9:00 p.m. tonight, offering food and dancing to customers.
The representative said they will not serve liquor, because their liquor license is temporarily suspended.
“They are making us look bad. They’re just making us look bad,” the representative said at the end of the seven-minute conversation.
City Plans to Enforce Closure Injunction
“The City’s position is that the injunction that was granted does not permit the operation of Club 33 whatsoever,” said Hamilton’s Director of Licensing and Bylaw Enforcement Monica Ciriello.
“We will work collaboratively with our partners in Hamilton Police to make sure they are not open and operating in contravention of the injunction.”
Injunction Order Permits Police and City to Take Actions to Enforce
Justice Goodman’s order “authorizes the Hamilton Police Service to arrest and remove” anyone who is “contravening or has contravened any provision” of the injunction.
It also authorizes the City to “restrict or block access to the property” if needed to enforce the order.
Injunction Order Remains in Effect Until Court Hearing on September 12
The City of Hamilton and Club 33 will return to Superior Court on Thursday, September 12, for a full hearing on the City’s request for an extended order.
The hearing is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. at the John Sopinka Courthouse and is open to the public.
Liquor Licensing Hearing Later in September
The AGCO says Club 33 will have a hearing in front of Ontario’s Licence Appeal Tribunal “in late September 2024.”

Recent Shootings in the Area
On Saturday, July 27, 2024, just after 4:00 a.m., police responded to reports of a shooting. They found a firearm at the scene.
On June 2, 2024, Hamilton Police arrested a shooting suspect when they responded to the restaurant at the corner for a minor vehicle collision.
On Friday, December 8, 2023, police responded to a restaurant at the corner for an assault in the establishment.
On Sunday, January 1, 2023, police responded to a restaurant at the corner following a shooting that injured one woman.
On Sunday, September 18, 2022, just shortly before 5:00 a.m., police responded to a shooting in a nearby parking lot.
Production Details v. 1.1.0 Published: September 6, 2024 Last updated: September 6, 2024 Author: Joey Coleman Update Record v. 1.0.0 original version v. 1.1.0 added City of Hamilton comment