The Ontario Land Tribunal has formally approved a settlement agreement between Hamilton City Council and the owners of 544-550 Rymal Road East.
The deal permits two tall buildings facing onto Rymal Road, and stacked townhouses behind the buildings.
One building is permitted to be 57-metres tall and stepped to 32.5 metres, the second building is permitted to be 44 metres. 57 metres is approximately 18 to 20 storeys, depending on design. 44 metres represents 12 to 14 storeys.
Hamilton’s architectural firm Curran Gacesa Slote Architects Inc. are the project architects.
The lands are now zoned TOC3 [Transit Oriented Community 3], the highest density zoning permitted in Hamilton’s official plan outside the downtown core and the vicinity of the Centennial Parkway GO Station.
The OLT settlement documents estimate around 400 housing units will be built on the site.
The tall buildings unit mix will include a minimum of 20 percent two-bedroom units, and a minimum of 5 percent three-bedroom units.

The settlement agreement contains holding provisions that development of the site cannot begin until the City completes the construction of Arrowhead Drive. The Arrowhead Drive project will include adding adequate sanitary service capacity for the new development on Rymal.
The initial 2020 development application proposed 12-storeys and some townhouses for a total of 272. The new design reflects the increasing density of Rymal Road and market demand for housing.
Production Details v. 1.0.0 Published: August 2, 2024 Last updated: August 2, 2024 Author: Joey Coleman Update Record v. 1.0.0 original version