I’m reviewing the final staff comments for the upcoming July 23 Hamilton Committee of Adjustment hearings.

I would not usually note a staff denial recommendation for a detached garage in a stable older Ward 7 neighbourhood.

In light of this week’s rain, I will note that staff are recommending design changes to ensure an appropriate space for the drainage swale from the rear of the property.

When we talk about government “red tape,” we often fail to remember regulations were created for a reason. (For me, “red tape” is mostly unnecessarily inefficient processing of regulations, or redundant overlapping processes.)

More Drainage

I wrote and published the first part of this blog at around page 75 of the agenda. I’m now at page 325, and there’s another staff denial recommendation to protect drainage swales.

This file is in a newer (1990s I think) area of Ancaster. The variance request is to build a two-storey rear deck addition.

“It appears that the proposed stair conflicts with the side yard swale thus affecting the existing drainage,” reads the development engineering comments. They are recommending denial. [The owner will be offered an opportunity to change the drawings.]