Hamilton Integrity Commissioner David Boghosian on December 6, 2023 Credit: Joey Coleman

Hamilton Integrity Commissioner David Boghosian, who is receiving pushback in Hamilton for comments about Jelena Vermilion in a report regarding Councillor John-Paul Danko’s behaviour, is embroiled in a privacy breach in Caledon.

Metroland reports a breach of privacy by Boghosian has been reported to Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner.

Boghosian revealed the identity of a complainant, who had asked for her complaint to be anonymous.

When Boghosian submitted his finding to the Town Clerk for publication, the woman’s last name was included.

The Clerk caught the error, but not before someone leaked the original copy.

Boghosian is reported as accusing the councillor involved, Metroland states it was not the councillor.

Boghosian is reported by Metroland as starting:

“In editing the document to delete any reference to the complainant, I missed that reference,” he said, noting the town clerk made him aware of the error.

“I sincerely apologize to the complainant for this breach of privacy.”

Metroland reports, ‘Boghosian said the matter has been reported to the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.’

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1 Comment

  1. When I submitted a Code of Conduct complaint against a member of Council in a different municipality, I asked for anonymity which he granted, however, he then disclosed my identity to the City Clerk.

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