Hamilton City Council Chamber Credit: Joey Coleman / The Public Record

The Executive Director of the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, Audrey Davis, and NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun aka Lyndon George, Indigenous Justice Coordinator, Hamilton Community Legal Clinic, will hold a press conference on Monday June 10 at City Hall to call for the creation of ” an Indigenous specific seat within [the] elected official circle,” to add a 17th member to Hamilton City Council.

They will do so on behalf of the Circle of Beads (Indigenous Consultation Circle), “a group of Indigenous community leaders, advocates and organizations who have come together to support the safety of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis located throughout the Greater Hamilton Area.”

Council approved a delegation request from George, who is scheduled to speak on the proposal at the June 19 Council General Issues Committee Meeting.

Adding a seat will require amending the Municipal Act.

Hamilton City Council can request a change to the Act. It is the Legislative Assembly of Ontario that would need to amend the Act.

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