Yes, I read the comments.

I read comments that Mayor Andrea Horwath should use her Strong Mayor veto for more housing projects.

Section 284.11 of the Municipal Act states the head of council can veto “by-laws.”

The power to create bylaws is reserved to city council.

Minor Variances and non-decision appeals to the Ontario Land Tribunal do not involve bylaws.

The mayor cannot veto Committee of Adjustment decisions because the CoA only approves “minor” exceptions to bylaws, they do not change bylaws.

In short, Mayor Andrea Horwath has no powers to implement zoning bylaws for various files already at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

The Mayor cannot approve Darko Vranich’s request for minor variances at 734 to 756 King Street East to build a 15-storey and 12-storey tower. [If Vranich applies for zoning bylaw and official plan amendments, that’s a different story]