The City of Hamilton has decided to violate Section 284 of Ontario’s Municipal Act by not releasing the remuneration, benefits, and expenses given to Hamilton’s city council and local board members as required by March 31st.

There are 444 municipalities in Ontario, Hamilton appears to be the only one in violation of the mandatory disclosure.

City of Hamilton General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services Mike Zegarac states he has informed the Ministry of Municipal Affairs the city will submit the documentation at some time in April.

The city did post a Section 284 report, which they removed shortly after making public.

[TPR posted the documents here.]

Zegarac says the pay and benefits in these reports was accurate, but city staff are “vetting” expense reports with members of council to ensure accuracy.

One reply on “City of Hamilton Fails to Meet Council Pay and Benefit Disclosure Requirements”

  1. the city of Hamilton is the only one in violation of mandatory disclosure!! When elected, this mayor said that this council would be “transparent”. This has not been the case at all. For example, was there a ransom paid for the cyber attack?

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