Valery Properties is seeking to build a new 16-storey apartment building at the rear of the apartment building complexes at 851 Lawrence Road in East Hamilton. The new building, if approved, will join five other apartment buildings between Lawrence Road and King Street East bordered by Cochrane Road in the Rosedale neighbourhood.
The apartment buildings in the area were built during the 1970s.

851 Lawrence Road is the site of an existing 10-storey apartment building, the new build will replace parking lot and green space which exists between the building and Lawrence Road.
126 units are proposed in the building, all family units of two or three bedrooms with the exception of two 1-bedroom units on the top floors.
Hamilton’s housing shortage is particularly acute for two and three bedroom apartment units in the rental market. Cities across the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area are grappling to
At the ground level, Valery Properties proposes to have 10 two-storey stacked townhouse dwelling as part of the building. 226 parking spots will be contained within the building behind the townhouse units.
Council approval is required for the development. The current site-specific zoning (Bylaw 70-150) for the property, passed 50-years ago, needs to be amended.
City of Hamilton staff are reviewing the preliminary proposal, with early staff comments regarding the plan being positive.
The developer is in the earliest stages of the development process. The project is likely to be revised following staff comments.
After the initial stage, public consultation will occur. Dates for Council consideration are not set.

It’s nice to see more places being built but what about affordable housing for people who can’t afford market rent. Is that going to be happening soon. Been on the list for subsidy for over 10 yrs, need the place for my mother and I as she is elderly and no longer can be on her own
We need more affordable housing. If this fits that objective. I’m all for it!
My guess is that this is not an affordable housing project, as nothing of the sort is mentioned in this article. Therefore I have to be against this. Unless it benefits the people who are most in need it would only serve as another loss to the environment. There is already enough space for people who can afford to rent in this city.
I don’t agree with it unless it is affordable housing.
Eliminating green space is not the answer. There are plenty of areas downtown that should be torn down and reborn. Keep it in the core. They also won’t need a transit system to get them somewhere else.
The final building rarely looks anything like the artist’ sketches. Look at the past building sites in most cities and compare proposals and product five years after completion. Abysmal.