The Library’s new rural extended hours pilot at the Freelton branch will “soft” launch “quietly” on October 21, Karen Anderson, Director, Public Service told the Library Board.
Presently, Freelton is open five days per week for a total of 17 hours. The pilot increases the staffed hours to 24 per week, and further hours in addition during which the branch will be remotely monitored by Central Library security staff, and Freelton library users will be able connect with a librarian via video conferencing.
To access the library during non-staffed hours, patrons must register at the branch during staffed hours. The extended hours are Monday to Thursday: 9am-8pm, and Friday & Saturday: 9am-5pm.
When approved in March, the plan was to launch in September. Technology logistics have pushed back the date. Hamilton is the first library in Canada to implement type of service.
More information on the pilot, and the Freelton Branch is available in our coverage from March.
Hamilton Library Plans Launch of Freelton Extended Hours on October 26