“The City facilities group has identified the windows at Central [branch] as nearing imminent failure” is how Hamilton Public Library director of finance and facilities Robin Hewitt describes the situation on the upper floors of Hamilton’s downtown Central library.
The Library is budgeting $360,000 of its reserve funds to towards the windows replacement.
Chief librarian Paul Takala says the total cost will be greater than $360,000 and that figure represents the reserve contribution to the project.
The windows being replaced are on the upper floors (two – six), are 35 years old and original to the building which opened in 1980.
A more detailed report and costing will be presented to a future Library Board meeting.
The Public Record is categorizing this story in our 2016 City of Hamilton Budget coverage as the upper floors top floor
(six) houses the City’s IT department and this project could require some Council funding.
Library Needs to Replace Windows at Central Library