Each candidate running for Ward 1 Hamilton City Councillor is being asked to answer 19 questions. Here they are.
Hamilton’s Erosion of Public Trust in Policing
The video of a Hamilton Police officer repeatedly kicking a defenceless restrained man in the face is only the latest problem.
The 155 Podcast Questions for Hamilton City Council Candidates in Ward 15
Each candidate running for Ward 14 Hamilton City Councillor will be asked to answer 19 questions. Here they are.
Andrea Horwath Sends First Mayoral Campaign Email to Surprise of Many Recipients
Campaign says Horwath used her own list of supporters, not one purchased or provided by the NDP.
The 155 Podcast Questions for Hamilton City Council Candidates in Ward 13
Each candidate running for Ward 13 Hamilton City Councillor will be asked to answer 18 questions. Here they are.
The 155 Podcast Questions for Hamilton City Council Candidates in Ward 12
Each candidate running for Ward 12 Hamilton City Councillor will be asked to answer 18 questions. Here they are.
COLEMAN: The Bratina People Love is Running For Mayor
Bratina is being friendly, personable, and taking the high road in the early days of his mayoral run.
City to Implement No Right Turns on Red Along King Street in August
King Street is getting safety improvements, including photo radar.
COLEMAN: Mayoral Polls are Poor Predictors: Horwath and Loomis Know This
The local newspapers declared Nenshi and Bowman also-rans, the races over, only to switch horses when each of them rode to overwhelming victory.
BRIEF: New Noise Study Underway on City Centre Development Application
City and IN8 Developments continue to work to reach agreement on final Site Plan.